Health & Safety In Uncertain Times
Health and safety are now more important than ever during our performances and your events. We want to ensure that both us, as performers, and hosts (either yourselves or the owners of the venues we perform in) are taking the right steps to ensure the safety of everyone during future events, especially in regards to Coronavirus, maintaining Social Distancing and correct hand-washing procedure.
We also want to get the events industry and our own performances kickstarted again and ensure that you feel confident in booking us as suppliers and magicians.
Our guidelines have been developed with the help of top event experts and learning resources from the World Health Organization.OUR COVID-19 POLICY & GUIDELINES
All measures will change continuously with the latest government advice. These will be updated frequently. The measures and guidelines will continue to evolve as our knowledge of COVID-19 grows.
All guidelines have been written and contributed by guidance from the World Health Organisation, government advice and event experts on how we can keep events and both clients and suppliers safe.
All these steps and guidelines may not 100% prevent the spread of COVID-19 and there is the possibility that the spread of COVID-19 could happen if all these steps were taken flawlessly.
All guidelines that are dependent on events are actually allowed to go ahead by the advice from the government. Events that are going ahead must be within the government limit. For example, if the government advises we should not gather in groups of +20 people, then the event should not go ahead. Reviewed on: 23/07/2020
- We must arrange a courtesy call with the client straight after booking confirmation. This is to discuss any health and safety concerns the client may have regarding their event or any specific requirements.
- We must discuss the venue of the event with the client. If we are to enter the venue during the event, we must also make a courtesy call to the venue to discuss how health and safety can be maximized at the clients event.
- We must arrange a courtesy call 10 days prior to the event with the client. This is to finalize the booking and the steps we are taking to maximize health and safety at the clients event. Both parties must be aware of how the event will run and what is expected from both the client and supplier to ensure a safe event.
- If we have felt any symptoms like (high temperature/ a new cough/loss of taste and smell) or any form of sickness within 2 weeks prior to the event - we must inform the client and cancel the booking.
- If we live with anyone who has contracted symptoms like (high temperature/a new cough/loss of taste and smell) or any form of sickness within 2 weeks prior to the event - we must inform the client and cancel the booking.
- We must ensure all our team are fit for work. This includes regularly checking and having updates with their team if they have any symptoms. If they do start symptoms, then they must be ordered to self isolate.
- We must be aware of the social distancing guidelines which is currently at 1m+.
- If our services require face to face consultations with the client, these must be done virtually for the foreseeable via platforms like Zoom, Skype or Facetime.
- If we require contracts to be signed, then these must be signed electronically for the foreseeable future.
- On the day of the event, we must wash our hands frequently throughout the day with soap and water for 20 seconds and use hand sanitiser frequently. Hand sanitizers need to have at least 60 percent alcohol to kill germs.
- If we are using public transport which are highly populated, a mask and gloves must be worn until our arrival at the event. These then must be disposed of into a bin and your hands must be washed for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser.
- We must have hand sanitizer for our personal use and for clients if needed at the each and every event.
- We must have tissue equipped with us at the events. If you are to sneeze or cough this must be covered with a tissue. Immediately wash our hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
- After coughing and sneezing all equipment must be cleaned with sanitizer within a 2m radius of your standing.
- We must wash our hands regularly with warm water and soap throughout the event. If this is not possible we strongly advise to sanitize your hands throughout the event.
- Any equipment we own must not be shared with anyone externally. All equipment used at the event must be ours or the companies that are following these guidelines.
- We must avoid shaking hands with clients or any party attendees for the foreseeable future.
- All items, props and tricks must be deep cleaned before and after each event. We will use antibacterial wipes or soap and water.
- Any equipment including props for our performance must be deep cleaned before and after each event with sanitizer.
- Any surfaces that are frequently touched in the venue or event by us must be cleaned and sanitized before leaving the premises.
- We strongly advise to avoid close interaction with the crowd/guests for the foreseeable. This may result in a less interactive, but more safe, performance by maintaining 1m+ guidelines
- If our performance does involve close interaction with guests, we must be wearing a mask or a visor so we can still perform to your best ability.
- If our performance does involve close interaction with guests, we must be wearing disposable gloves.
- If our performance does involve close interaction with guests, we limit the guests that are involved and interacted with.
INSURANCE POLICY & RAMS (Risk Assessment Method Statement)
We are insured for up to £5,000,000 Public Liability and up to £1,000,000 Professional Indemnity. You can see our PLI statement using the badge below this paragraph.
We also provide a Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS) if you require one. Click here to download that.
We refresh each of these policies on a yearly basis in December. If you require any more information, please call or text George on 07941 521 469, use the contact details below or you can email at george@agmagicians.com